plasticky: Introduction and Caprice (2021)

clarinet and piano (9′)


• september 24, 2021, jihoon yu (cl), bomi lee (pf), busan, south korea

• april 2, 2022, jihoon yu (cl), seungmin jin (pf), busan, south korea

program note

plastic, being cheap and easy to process, is ubiquitous and has come to symbolize our era. at the same time, plastic is synonymous with cheap, disposable items and is also a major culprit in environmental destruction due to its resistance to decomposition. meanwhile, i observed that culture has excessively tilted towards consumption rather than appreciation. most of what is consumed is disposable, and the goal is to convert people’s time into money. these things are repetitive, consumptive, addictive, and sometimes quite charming. culture has become ‘plasticky’. ‘plasticky: introduction and caprice’ is a piece about such plasticized entities.

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